Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Amazing News

 Over 2 years ago, some very good friends lost their precious angel too soon.  This weekend I found out they are expecting another precious gift in May.  What an amazing gift from God.  As I was thinking about them and all their emotions, feelings and thoughts they must be having, I couldn't help but cry.  I really don't know why I was crying, but I just was.  Maybe it was the fact that this news was so amazing to them, but also so hard.  Maybe it was the fact I could relate somewhat to their life.  Maybe it was because I know what amazing people they are and how much they deserve this happiness.  Or maybe it was because I realized that everything happens for a reason and sometimes we have to go through painful things to get there.  Or maybe I was crying because I am a woman and that is all I seem to do lately.    I still am not sure why I cried, but I did. 
As I sat a little longer thinking about these 2 extraordinary people, I began to think of this journey they are on to get to that wonderful day in May.  How far away it must seem to them and all the anxieties of doctor visits and ultrasounds, just hoping that all is well and there are no worries.  I wonder if they are hoping for a girl or hoping for a boy or just hoping this bundle of joy is healthy and perfect.  But than again, I know the answer to that questions already.  But as mothers, we know that life has a way of surprising us.  We are never fully sure of anything until we have that precious gift in our arms and we hear that amazing first cry.  Even after all that, we are still skeptical and on guard.  So many things for these parents to focus on and prepare for.  I am sure May seems like a world away.
My thoughts than begin to wander to their 2 little girls.  How their lives are going to change and how excited they must be.  For them the past 2 years has probably meant different things.  I wonder if they spend their days thinking of their little sister in heaven and wonder what she is doing.  I wonder if they ask lots of questions and dream about her.  I wonder if their angel sister visits them in their dreams.  The excitement must be overflowing from them.
As I watched their wonderful video again that they had posted to tell the world of their news, I couldn't help but start crying again.  I finally realized what my tears meant this time, they were simply tears of mother that loves her children.

"Every child born into the world is a new thought of God, an ever fresh and radiant possibility"

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