"And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness."
Colossians 2:6-7
I love this verse. It is so strong and so true. With Thanksgivng around the corner how can we not take time to give thanks for so many things. I think way to often we get caught up in life and forget that being thankful should be an everyday thing. The opportunities, people, friendships, love, peace, breath... so many different, wonderful things that make us who we are. Do we say thank you enough? Do we tell those people we are thankful for them? Do we take time to thank God for all of it, every little bit? I know there are plenty of times that I don't. I take for granted so many things and realize that being Thankful shouldn't just be around the holidays, it should be everyday. Wake up each moring and thank God for another opportunity to be a better mom, wife, friend, sister, daughter, aunt, cousin, grandaughter, stepdaughter and teacher. These are the moments that count. These are the time we say how we feel and express our gratitude. Why wait, why shy away from how we feel, why make an excuse. Life is so short and things can change in an instance. Be thankful every second of every day.
So I have come up with some things I am thankful for in my life and I would love to share them with whoever cares to read them.
I am Thankful for...
my faith, my God and all he has given up for me.
my husband, who through it all, no matter what, loves me
my children, who have taught me what it means to be loved unconditionally every minute of everyday and that the littles things in life are what make us who we are.
my angel Dillan, she has taught me to remember that everyone has a story to tell
my mother, who showed me that you should do things for others because you want to and for showing me what it means to be fearless and strong
my father, who pushed me to achieve my goals and always believed in my abilities
my oldest sister, who without knowing it, helps my heart heal with her love
my mother in law, who always makes me feel like I am her own daughter
my nieces and nephews, who gave me an opportunity to be a mother, even before having my own kids
my best friend, who has taught me what true friendship really is
my old friends, that can always make me smile, are much cheaper than therapy and taught me true sisterhood
my old principal Donna, who believed in me and reminded me how important faith is in your life.
my co-workers, who challenge me and push me to be a better teacher
my Karen, that has become my second mom, showed me the type of grandmother I want to be and for laughing with me everyday.
my students, without even knowing, make each day easy to get up and come to work.
And the list could go on and on. It is amazing all the people I have to be thankful for. I noticed that the things I am truly thankful for are not material things or possessions, but they are real people that help make my life so much more each day. How blessed I am, how loved I am and how lucky I am.
Thank you for blessing my life!
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